Developments for Sale
Call Randle Taylor 832-260-5071
We want to develop and build profitable renewable energy projects and maximize our investor’s returns. We plan to create jobs and to contribute towards energy independence and increase national security for our fellow citizens.It is our hope to prove the true value of being good stewards of the wonderful creation God has blessed us with by providing clean, reliable electric power generation for many decades to come.
Excellence is our standard of acceptable performance and integrity is mandated in every area of our business. We strongly believe an integral part of our national security is to make our Nation’s energy self-sufficiency a top priority. White Camp Energy wants to utilize the free and limitless resource of the sun and wind to generate long term investment opportunities and excellent returns on investment for our partners.
For the Future: White Camp Solar Phase Two 102.2 MW AC/135.68 MW DC bringing our total generation capacity to 204.4 MW AC / 271.36 MW DC. We want to produce and sell large quantities of renewable forms of energy and promote our vision of replacing fossil fuel generation with sustainable and renewable sources of green energy. We want to permit our investor’s to diversify their investments over many technologies and projects, ensuring a value added ROI with reasonable risk. We hope our efforts will help to reach acceptable levels of pollution reduction and carbon balance while providing the electrical power generation needed to keep the lights turned on in Texas and across the USA.
White Camp Energy's mission is to develop world class renewable energy projects using demonstrated, low cost, and low maintenance equipment in order to be competitive with fossil fueled fired peaking power. White Camp Solar Phase One 102.2 MW AC/135.68 MW DC and White Camp Solar Phase Two 102.2 MW AC / 135.68 MW DC will follow immediately upon completion of Phase One bringing our total generation capacity to 204.4 MW AC / 271.36 MW DC.
For Today: To construct, own, operate and maintain our Phase One Utility Scale 102.2 MW AC / 135.68 MWDC PV solar array in Kent County, Texas.
Copyright © White Camp Energy, LLC
Copyright © White Camp Solar, LLC
Copyright © Williams Solar, LLC